07:30 - Please note the cheery disposition of the 'Before' picture above.
Those of you who are birthers know how important it is to 'get your mind right' and your body loose. So we (me & DD) started early this morning with some calisthenics and some cheers to get up pumped up.
09:30 - We've moved over into the Labor & Delivery Unit. Danielle is situated comfortably in bed and has begun a very slow drip of Pitocin. Apparently, Danielle has had a few contractions, even though she can't feel them. "Am I in labor?" she asked the nurse. "No," the nurse answered. "You can't be in labor and smiling."
10:30 - Arrival of Opa & Oma! Randy and Mary Helen are on the scene and have checked in with their respective brokers.
11:30 - D is having contractions, but still not feeling them (1 out of 10). Despite the fact that she's not feeling contractions, she's requested that the thermostat be turned down. It now reads 67 (Fahrenheit).
12:45 - Like a Pro! Look at DD as she experiences a contraction--cool, calm, collected.
15:00 - Not a whole lot goin' on here. Contractions still in the 1.5 (out of 10) range. Watching the Food Network (mmm...pork belly). Pitocin still dripping...any suggestions from the other birthers out there?

Nice robe Rudy! Wow...I wish I had a blog when I had my boys. Would have been a fun way to commuicate with my family what was going on. Good luck with this exciting day! I hope to see pictures very soon...for Danielle's sake. Hang in there mommy...this day is going to be part of your memories forever and believe me...you'll have a hard time remembering everthing that happened.
Thanks. I was given that robe as a white elephant gift and Danielle stole it from me. In her weakened state, I have been able to steal it back.
I'll pass along your comments to Danielle later; she's 'in the zone' right now.
Love the office set up. Especially the mac book, I don't go anywhere important without mine either. Good luck and enjoy the day.
Your doing great! :) thanks for the updates. love you guys!
Update please!!!! Inquiring minds want to know...
Have her sit up. This happened with my October baby, I sat up to get an epidural, he dropped, no time to medicine, baby was born very quickly. Hang in there they are worth their wait.
Oh! John says play a game of cribbage, get her mind off things. :)
Food network watching...not a good idea...I ate 24/7 when I was expecting Shan and Bren...when I started having contractions for the twins, I ate like it was the last supper (because I knew that it was going to be hospital food soon)...BIG mistake! It didn't stay in me for long...but Tom was able to sneak me in a big mac a couple of days later! Also, don't stand in front of her focus point during a contraction and ask how she's doing! haha! Good luck Danielle! Just think...diaper changing and lack of sleep is just hours away! You'll LOVE IT! Love you guys!
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