Monday, January 28, 2008


So Rudy and I are beginning to plan the rest of our time here in Athens. Some of the things we will miss most about Athens are our friends gathering on Friday Happy Hours. Socializing over good beer and wine and of course plotting to take over the world. Ya know, the usual. Here are a few pictures from 1/25's Happy Hour at Trappeze - a new European style beer joint right in downtown.

DD's surprised mug when learning about the play

Douggie-Poo was selected for the part of Andy
off-off broadway rendition of The 40 Year old Virgin.

Cast & Crew out to celebrate the news

Mango, Stage Director, and Doug
discussing lines for the play

Laurel and Emily, Costume Designers

Lila, Choreographer

Monday, January 21, 2008

Greggie-Poo and Julia Gulia

So Greggie-Poo, Danielle's youngest bro, and his girlpal Julia Gulia came to Athens for their first visit. We enjoyed a bit of snow Saturday morning and of course some of the highlights of Athens - the Grit (the local vegetarian restaurant) and bars.

GP & JG @ the Grit (their Tofu rocks!)

Joe, Matt aka Jesus & Greg

Dudy in fine form

Our buddies, Carlton and Amitabh

Donald and Rudy

DD, GP and JG @ Transmet (FYI, I am standing in this pic and Julia is sitting. She's 6'. I am not).

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Where's Rudy Thursday

Snow in Ga 1/16/08
Can you find him?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Modern Man

Lucky Me, I married a man who likes to bake. Here's some visual documentation of Rudy's first Boule - per the Breadbaker's apprentice. Délicieux!

The Dunlaps

How flattered we are to have birds named after us. Corey and Yancey named their resident cardinals after us. They said that they were going to miss us this coming Fall and this would be a way to keep us around longer. sweet!


Rudy Red

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Happy 34th JR

Happy 34th Birthday, Jerm! Check in yout closet for your regifted present from Dudy. It's under a bunch of clothes! HAHA! You gadget freak, you. Just like Dad.

P.S. Save a piece of cake for Rudy, please.

RIP, Shadow Kitty

Ok, so I know it is a little weird to be writing about my dead cat - but, for those who knew her she was an awesome kitty. She is missed terribly - and maybe one day Dudy's hearts will ache a little less. RIP, Shadow Kitty! Today is her 3 year anniversary of being gone.

yes, that is a real mouse

Friday, January 4, 2008

Dudy is Fabulous in 08

Words cannot describe the excitement we have for the coming year. Cheers from Dudy!

Christmas in G Town

Christmas in Greensboro 12/21/07 - 12/28/07 - We had fun staying at my parents new house just north of Greensboro in Summerfield, NC. Olivia, my 2 year old niece was the highlight of the holiday. It was fun hanging out with my brother Greg & his girl Julia Gulia and my other brother Jeremy and his wife Rebecca and of course, Mom and Dad. It was great! We miss you Jeff, Vicky & Kira!

Olivia opens a gift (Dora the Explorer!)

Olivia was upset when her souffle fell.

Rudy finally gets his long awaited
monkey pillow...sheesh. It's a long story!

Dad was presented the 1st Annual Sarine Golden Pheasant award.
It is a regifting award to be presented to the most deserving Sarine each year. It must be traveled with throughout 2008.
Good Luck with that in Customs, Dad.

Julia Gulia gets her 'Hiccupptamus' book. Making a little of fun of Julia's permanent hiccups! Tee Hee!

The weird orbs in Greensboro. We packed the entire clan in my parents Suburban and headed off to watch the orbs.
They do Christmas a little different there in G town.

JR and Becca watching the orbs.

Hey JR, I see friends.

Greg and Rudy "enjoying" themselves (see the pain in their faces?) as their legs were being crushed in the back of the Suburban. Notice red solo cup in Rudy's hand. Essential to dull the pain.

Video of Olivia saying her favorite Aunt DD and Uncle Rudy's names: