Danielle's induction process began on 9:30am on Monday and progressed throughout the day, all night, and all morning Tuesday. Consistent with out goals, our OB allowed Danielle to return to our room after delivering Max in order to continue laboring with Vivi. Danielle rested for an hour and then began pushing with Vivi for three hours. Unfortunately, in the wake of her marathon effort, Danielle's uterus was simply too exhausted to assist in the pushing process. We also learned that when babies are premature, the women's body may or may not be 'ready' to labor despite the babies' water breaking. We all (DD, Rudy, nurses, and OB) decided that in our particular situation, at that moment it was safest to bring Vivi into the world via C-section, which she did.
Mom, babies, Dad and Dunlap grandparents all enjoyed a night of restful sleep. Today brought multiple visits to the NICU to see Max and Vivi, pictures below.
We appreciate everyone's concern and enthusiasm related to this experience. DD will be in North Austin Medical Center until Friday and the kiddos will be in the NICU for an undetermined amount of time, most likely 7-14 days. They're both breathing well on their own and as you can see below, have begun bottle feeding. Some folks have asked about the need for them to be in the NICU and essentially it is in case they were to develop any problems during the next couple weeks. We've been assured that they are very healthy for 34-week twins and that we have nothing to worry about. So, we're almost home, but not quite.
How amazing they are! I love the photos! Can't wait to meet them. Congratulations to you both. xoxo
Congratulations Danielle and Rudy. We are so over the moon happy for you all. Glad everyone is healthy and happy. They are both beautiful. Got NICU questions, just ask! Kisses and Congratulatons!!
Mike and Patrice
Congrats, Congrats!!...might as well get you ready for everything in doubles now...and FYI there are no volume discounts... ha ha...been trying to cash in on those for years. They are amazing, what a tremendous blessing...so beautiful. You are both about to embark on an incredible journey...Enjoy! -- Melanie Hagan
I'm so amazed with all the photos and news. Stuart and I are bursting with joy for the FOUR of you--we both teared up looking at your photos on Facebook. Thank you, so much Rudy, for posting all this news. We hate to be so far away for this incredible time. You two are two of our best friends, and we adore you and wish we could be there to help and celebrate!
Max and Vivi are gorgeous--and YES, Max does look like Rudy! Not sure who Vivi looks like yet, but you know what... they look like Max and Vivi, two incredible new people.
We love you all and can't wait to hear more and see you.
Katie, Stuart, Wylie & Scout
Amazing story...one that will stay with you forever! Max and Vivi are so precious! Thank you for the update and get some much needed rest DD...your body is exhausted from all that hard work. Congratulations Rudy and Danielle!
Danielle and Rudy:
Judging from our own family's experience, baby stories in 2010 seem to fall in the realm of the surreal. So glad you two are keeping up with that pace :). My goodness, my goodness! What a saga! Our heartfelt congrats on your most precious double blessing. They are both cute as buttons already. And Danielle: Wonder woman has NOTHING on you :):):):):). Rest, rest, rest!!
Ms. Fare ;).
I think you will now have to change the subtitle of your blog...."Mundane" Adventures to something else. There was/is nothing that can be described as 'Mundane' about your lives anymore! XXOO Mom/MIL
I like the new name of your blog! You will be an incredible team! Go Team Dunlap!
Thanks so much for your updates. Glad to hear everyone is happy and healthy.
God Bless,
Jim and Shelley
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