Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day 7 NICU

Babies are doing well today. Both have their IVs out now and are on manual temperature regulation - basically, they are regulating their own temperatures with clothes on and being swaddled instead of having the isolette control the temperature for them. We will see how they do and hope they won't spend all their energy keeping their bodies warm.

They both are still on some lighting for a slight case of jaundice, but they are looking better each day. Max's skin is definitely more fair than his sisters. It definitely looks as if we have a redhead/strawberry blonde (Max) and a brunette (Vivi) on our hands!

Max has had several 'blowouts' when Rudy is feeding and/or handling him and it is quite funny. I fed him in our morning shift and he waited to 'blow it out' as soon as I handed him to Rudy.

We helped bathe him for the first time tonight - Max was not a huge fan of that. It was quick and over in about 4-5 mins but he made his opinion of it known. Max is fairly quiet and so I must say it was nice to hear him cry a bit (I am sure I will live to regret that statement).

Hard to believe its already been a week....


Jeff, Vicky and Kira said...

Happy One Week! Can't wait to see these little loves and am so happy that they are doing so well!! xoxo

Becca said...

Yes! Can't believe its been one week! They sound like they are doing tremendously! So funny about Max waiting to blowout on Rudy! They seem to know which one would have a harder time with it maybe? :)

Cuz Amy said...

Poor Max, I know how he feels, sometimes Rudy makes me want to "blowout" too. ;)

Julia said...

Yay~ for one week! Your babies are so adorable! I am so happy for you and Rudy!! Thank you for keeping us updated!