Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Randyfest 2008

Operation surprise Randy, aka "Randyfest 2008", went off without a hitch. We flew up on Friday to celebrate Randy's 30th year with Proctor and Gamble, his 57th birthday, Father's Day and the Dunlaps on their 35th wedding anniversary. Friends and family all had a blast.
The back of the T-shirt Danielle made for everyone

Randy taking it all in (check out the
front of the T's that say 'RandyStrong')

Later on that weekend, we headed to the Hofbrauhaus (the one of few located outside of Munich, Germany - as a result of the large German heritage in Cincinnati). They drink like Germans (lots of beer) and play German music and there is always plenty of dancing on the tables with the authentic beer wenches.
Stephanie (Rudy's brother, Joshua's, girl)

winky, wink Doug (& Emily)

Rudy and Doug playing 'cornhole'

L-R: Rachel and Emily

Randy likes beer

Rudy and Randy getting ready for one of their favorite things - riding bicycles! They joined the Gears for Beers group on Father's Day Sunday (which was also Randy's 57th b'day). Fun Times.

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