Monday, October 6, 2008

Quebec City

Rudy and I excitedly left Bryan on Sunday morning for Quebec City. Rudy was asked to present a piece he had written at the World Leisure Congress held this year in Quebec City.  For those who are not familiar, Quebec City is the oldest section of Quebec and Montreal.  They actually just celebrated their 400th anniversary. Similar to Montreal, the preferred language is French but the majority of people know a bit of English. 

The city is one of the most beautiful cities I have ever been. Here are some photos from my many walks on my first day (click the pic to view more detail): 


Jeremy said...

World Leisure Congress? I have this image in my head of a couple hundred people in La-Z-Boys all arranged in a semi-circle around a La-Z-Boy on a stage and someone saying, "Next Item on the agenda: Establishing the Official International Nap Time as 2:00pm. All in favor say 'aye'."

Katherine S. Crawford said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhh! So gorgeous!!!!!

Happy Belated Anniversary!