Monday, May 19, 2008

Celebrating Part Deux

L-R: Sorry Lila (I cut her off!), Rachel, Ami, Jonathyn, Mango doing his best sorority girl impression, Matt

Jonathyn and Bryan yo yo yo

Doug looks pretty serious (although I do not think it was!). Mango seems to be reaching deep to figure out what the hey hey Doug is talking about.

Me and Ami (god that was a full pour, eh?)

Believe it or not, the couple at the end of the table were Dunlaps (no relation). Carlton (in green) is interviewing them to replace Rudy and I once we are gone. They may be the bizarro Dunlaps once we are in TX. C, did they do well on the interview?

L-R: Emily, Lila and Rachel

Best Buds - Rudy and Mango. Mango began his PhD the same time as Rudy and I. He just scored a research position in DC @ the Smithsonian. He is getting his PhD in History. CONGRATS, MANGO!

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