HOWDY! Tejas is good. Rudy had several days of new faculty orientation and I must say they treat their faculty and staff well here @ A&M. We went to two different family oriented dinners this week - one where they brought about 15 different local restaurants and bakeries so we call could sample the College Station/Bryan flavor; the second was more formal and it was held in the George Bush Sr. Presidential Library. Although I am not partial to the Bush legacy, it is a beautiful building. The statue out front was made from some of the actual Berlin Wall. Horses trampling over itsymbolizing the fall of Communism.

Rudy's classes being on Monday and he is so ready to get this semester started. This weekend he is taking a trip to Wichita Falls, TX (on the Oklahoma border) for a bike ride titled 'The Hotter than Hell 100' - 100 miles in northern TX. Sounds like fun huh? This is their logo...

I am doing well and still adjusting to the 'stay at home' wife is nice! For now, I am trying to get the apartment painted, unpack (almost done) and get my thyroid issues solved. This week I went to see an acupuncturist which was amazing. I should have gone all along.
Saturday night we have dinner with some new friends in the department so I will try and take pics of that.
Until then....taco kisses from Texas! Check out this video (hilarious!)....
Our New Address:
201 South Main Street
Bryan, TX 77803