The Sarine clan headed to Mexico for some R&R. We stayed at the Moon Palace Resort outside of Cancun. My brothers and their loves and children and Dad and Mom came. 12 of us in all.
Farkle Family goes to Mexico.
Here is part one of the crazy pics.
DD and Rudy's view from the balcony.
Julia Goolia and Greggie Poo @ the Gift Shop
Everyone on DD and Rudy's bed for Happy Hour.
Olivia and Uncle Rudy
Julia found a coconut. DD insisted we open it - it was not easy.
Dad chillin on the veranda.
DD and Rudy on the beach in our SPF 45.
L-R: Jeff, Rudy, Jeremy and Jules enjoying or painfully sitting though Karaoke on Night #1.
Olivia smiling for the camera @ the pool.
Iguanas are all around the resort.