Friday, February 22, 2008

Retro Video Friday

For all you 80's kids out there....its and oldie but a goodie. (check out Fergie in her youth - got to love the hair!)

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Chilling in Pine Valley

Emily (my sis in law) and I always gather for Wednesday night crafting and watching Project Runway at Pine Valley (PV). Unfortunately, this week was not without its issues....Emily's chair collapsed underneath her. We used this opportunity to goof around a bit. (Sorry Douggie Poo).

Crafting Project for 2/27 - knit new chair for PV

Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy Birthday, Daddy-O

Yikes Dad is 6* - eeee gads!
We love you! Dudy
P.S. We will be sure to celebrate in Mexico (only 3 weeks away!)

Monday, February 11, 2008


Dudy headed to Asheville, aka Ashevegas, this weekend for some leisure with our friends Joe and Lisbeth, aka Jisbeth. Flyfishing, listening to the Avett Brothers in the car, nights out in Ashevegas, great food. We love NC and catching up with old friends.

Rudy and Joe hating me because I made them pose with their gear.

Joe practicing casting

Rude is excited to finally use his new gear

Garvin , aka Garve-man or Garvy baby
cracking Lisbeth, aka Lisdeath, up

L - R: Garve-man, Lisdeath,
Yon-ton, aka "look at my new Griiiillllll"& Shana

Rudy and Stuart, aka Stew-rat,
waiting on dinner @ Tupelo Honey (yum!). Stu - just remember to put the gun down and take the red shoes off!

Joe and Cinnamon (I have no idea what his real name is)

Rude and Garvy

The car ride home:

Hips Don't Lie neither do videos, Joe

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Partners in Crime

Happy 38th Mom and Dad Sarine - We love you!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Field Trip to Elberton, GA

This weekend we took a trip to Elberton, GA, the granite capital of the world (oooooo!), to check out the Georgia Guidestones (aka the stonehenge of Georgia). Check out this website for more information:

Butler and Fouqueau excited about the trip

Our motley crew

Danielle looking for the North Star

After the guidestone, we headed back to Athens
and on our way stopped in Watson's Mill State Park for a hike. This is the old powerhouse of the Mill.

A Georgia Christmas ornament

Friday, February 1, 2008


OK, so I had to attach this link to youtube. For those who are offended easily by vulgarity, do not click on this! Hilarious..... I love Matt Damon....